Do you worry about tax season? Are you stressed out about year-end? You shouldn’t be!
So many small businesses, sole-proprietors, and freelancers have a fear of the tax deadline. At ReturnIQ, we believe we can offer you a better way of doing things – don't wait until year-end. Manage your taxes throughout the year with a simple-to-use interface, and you will always know what you owe.
Add in our top tax-saving tips and filing reminders, and you have a comprehensive solution that means you will never be scared of that looming deadline again.
Being a small business operator can be as stressful as it is rewarding. With all the day-to-day operations and long-term growth that you need to attend to, the last thing you want to do is worry about correctly calculating your quarterly tax payments. Focus on running your business and let our platform take care of that for you!
Don’t fall into the trap of outsourcing your quarterly taxes – chances are you will end up spending your precious dollars on something that you can do quickly yourself with the help of our proprietary software. With just a few clicks you can calculate your estimated quarterly taxes, see where you stand financially, and plan your expenditure appropriately.
You do not need any special training, you do not need to invest a lot of time, and you do not need to spend a lot of money. A monthly subscription to our quarterly tax calculator is significantly less expensive than using a CPA or other third-party and gives you your estimate instantly.
Your monthly subscription to ReturnIQ gives you access to everything you need to get a handle on your taxes, including:
* Quickbooks Online connection
* Tax calculator
* Quarterly Tax tracker
* Tax advice and tips
* Calendar and email alerts
It is easy to set up our calculator to communicate with your QuickBooks Online profile to make your accounts and taxes more coordinated and update your estimated tax amounts automatically.
Correctly estimating your quarterly taxes gives you the peace of mind that you will not be charged any penalties for late or underpayments, and lets you better plan for your business by giving you an accurate overview of your financial situation. Choosing to wait until the end of the year to settle your tax liabilities brings penalties and interest due to the IRS and State that is money that you could spend on your family or business.
ReturnIQ includes calendar and email alerts to remind you about deadlines for filing quarterly taxes, making sure that you have plenty of time to calculate, file, and pay your taxes when they are due.